youth & children's Ministry

M.I.T. Quentesa Garraway
Student Ministry Servant Leader

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)

Youth and Children’s Ministry is one of the most important ministries in the church, and we have a responsibility to train them in the way that they should go (Proverb 22:6).
Our belief is that we have to stop telling our young people that they are “the future.” It’s as if we’re suggesting that they don’t have to serve the Lord now, and they should wait until later. But rather, our children are “The Right Now Church” along-side us, and they shouldn’t wait, nor do they have to wait until later to be a part of the body of Christ. The Children and Youth Ministry is compiled with several units to assist in teaching and nurturing the "right now" church.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to introduce children to Jesus Christ in a manner that will transform their lives through prayer and a solid foundation built on Biblical truths in order for them to have an understanding of Christ that will cause them to develop and build a personal relationship with Christ.
Vision Statement
Our Children's Ministry is the vehicle in which we use to teach the vision and the word spoken at New Life Baptist Church, at an age-appropriate level for children ages 3-12. Our purpose is to instill the character, Biblical foundations and principles of Christ into the hearts and minds of all children.

Sister Antoinette Walker

Juvenile Detention Center

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